Notice :

Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST), Saidpur

Department of Arts and Sciences


Associate Professor

Dr. Kazi Mohammad Anamoul Haque

Designation: Associate Professor

Qualification: B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc., Ph. D.(SUST)

Mobile: +8801769675597 (Off), +8801312807977 (Pers)

E-mail: ,


Ph. D. (Nano-Chemistry): 2008-2013

Thesis entitled “Synthesis and characterization of metallic nanoparticles (Ni, Co, and Fe)” under the supervision of Professor Dr. Mohammed Sakhawat Hussain, nanotechnology specialist, National Nanotechnology Center, Atomic Energy Research Institute, King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Professor Syed Shamsul Alam, Department of Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh.

Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Physical Chemistry 

Thesis entitled “The study of air pollution” under the supervision of Professor Syed Shamsul Alam, Department of Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, and secured 1st class 1st position in the order of merit.
Passing year: 1995
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)  in Chemistry
Department of Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh, and secured 2nd position in the order of merit.
Passing year: 1994

H.S.C. (Science group): 1991

From Comilla Victoria Govt. College under Comilla Board.

S.S.C. (Science group): 1989

From Comilla Zilla School under Comilla Board.


Academic Experiences

Associate Professor (Chemistry)
Department of Arts and Sciences
Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology, Saidpur
Period: November 2021 to present

Assistant Professor (Chemistry)
Department of Arts and Sciences
Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology, Saidpur
Period: November 2017 to October 2021

Lecturer (Chemistry)
Department of Arts and Sciences
Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology, Saidpur
Period: October 2016 to October 2017

Served as Vice Principal and Principal in different colleges at home and abroad.


Served as a Researcher in National Nano technology Center, King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Served as a researcher in the Atomic Energy Research Institute, King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Served as a lecturer and assistant professor in different colleges at home and abroad.

Administrative Experiences

Director, Research and Publication Cell
Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology, Saidpur
 Period: July 2024 to till
Librarian (incharge)
Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology, Saidpur
 Period: July 2024 to till
Department of Arts and Sciences,
Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology, Saidpur
Period: January 2019 to June 2024
Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology, Saidpur
Period: July 2018 to Dec 2019 and June2021 to September 2024
Abbas Uddin Ahmed Hall
Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology, Saidpur
Period: Oct 2017-April 2018 and to Dec 2022 to July 2024
Bir Protik Taramon Bibi Hall
Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology, Saidpur
Period: Dec 2021-May 2022


Journal (Peer-reviewed):

  1. “Aggregated Nano-crystalline nickel Obtained by Hydrazine Reduction in the Presence of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyvinylpyrrolidone Clusters”. M Sakhawat Hussain and K M Anamoul Haque. Journal of Bangladesh Chemical Society, 21 no-1, jan-jun2008, pp1-8 (Publisher Bangladesh Chemical Society).
  2. Synthesis of nano-agregated nickel particles by Chemical process. Mohammad Sakhawat Hussain and Kazi Mohammad Anamoul Haque; Journal Advanced Performance Materials25(5),2010, 289-291(3)( Publisher Maney Publishing, U.K.).
  3. Nano-structured Ni- particles synthesized by bottom-up approach. M Sakhawat Hussain and K M Anamoul Haque, Journal of Scientific Research, 2(2), 2010, 313-321(Publisher JSR publication, Bangladesh).
  4. Synthesis of nano-nickel by a wet chemical reduction method in the presence of surfactant (SDS) and a polymer (PVP), K. M. A. Haque, M. S. Hussain, S. S. Alam and S. M. S. Islam, African Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry,4(5), 2010, pp. 58-63 (Publisher- Academic journals, Nigeria).
  5. Nano-sized agglomerated Ni particles synthesized by a phase transformation method Mohammad Sakhawat Hussain, Kazi Mohammad Anamoul Haque and Abdul Rahman Ghihab. Int. J. Nanoparticles, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2011( Publisher- Inderscience publishers, Singapore).
  6. Effect of Temperature on the Synthesis of Nano-Nickel Particles Haque K M A,, Hussain M S, Alam S. S, Islam S. M. S, Journal Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2012, 2(4) (PublisherAcademic Publishing, USA.)
  7. Synthesis and characterization of aggregated nano-cobalt particles by bottom up approach. Mohmmad Hussain, Kazi Haque, Syed Alam and Sheikh Islam, Chemistry and Materials Research, Vol. 2, No. 7, 2012, pp 72-82. (Publisher IISTE, USA.)
  8. Environmental Analysis of Metal Ions in Rice and Soil of Bangladesh. Farhana Tarannum, Mohd Nur E Alam Siddique, M. Golam Mostafa, Kazi Mohammad Anamoul Haque, Dilruba Akter, Uzma Khalil, Abd Naser, HJ Samoh & Pawan Raj Shakhya. Journal of Enviroment Sciences, Vol. 4, 2018, pp 152-160( Publisher Ministry of Forests and Environment, Government of Nepal)
  9. Mobilization and Distribution of Arsenic with Other Metal Ions at Upstream and Downstream of River Meghna. Kazi Mohammad Anamoul Haque, Mohd Nur E Alam Siddique, AHM Shofiul Islam Molla Jamal, and Md Anwarul Islam. Advanced Journal of Chemistry Section-A, 2020, 3(3),pp358-369.
  10. Study of the effect of nickel nano particles and pH on the photo-degradation of Congo red. Kazi Mohammad Anamoul Haque. American Journal of Water Resources 2021, 9(1) pp 8-14. (Publisher: Science and Education Publishing Co. Ltd.)
  11. Effect of PVP, SDS and their concentration on the synthesis aggregated nano-nickel particles by chemical reduction method. Dr. Kazi Mohammad Anamoul Haque and Shabia Parvin Shandhi. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science 2021, 9(8) pp 78-83.
  12. A Comparative Study of Microbial Fuel Cell, Md. Moniruzzaman , Md. Hedaetul Alam , Md. Zahid Bin Haq, Md. Washim Akram, M. Ahasan Habib, Dr. Kazi Mohammad Anamoul Haque. BAUST Journal.
  13. Study of the effect of SDS & PVP on the morphology and size of cobalt nano particles synthesized by wet chemical reduction method, Kazi Mohammad Anamoul Haque and Mizanur Rahman , submitted in the BAUST journal, volume3 issue2, 2024.

Journal reviewer:
Reviewer, BAUET JOURNAL, Bangladesh Army University of Engineering and Technology (BAUET), Qadirabad Cantonment, Natore.
Editorial Board, BAUST Journal, Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST), Saidpur Cantonment, Nilphamari. Since 2020 to present.
Editor, BAUST Newsletter.

Scholarship & Awards

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh Merit Scholarship (1993-1995)


Principal Investigator, Research Project June 2023 to July 2024, Under Mistry of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (Special Research Grant SRG-236608)


1. “Synthesis of Nano-aggregated Ni Particles in the presence of SDS with PVP”. M Sakhawat Hussain and Kazi M A Haque. Paper presented in the International Conference on Chemical Engineering, ICChE2008  held on December29-30, 2008, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh and published in the Proceedings of International Conference on Chemical Engineering, ICChE2008, pp79-84.

2. Nano-sized agglomerated Ni particles synthesized by a phase transformation method , Mohammad Sakhawat Hussain, Kazi Mohammad Anamoul Haque, Abdul Rahman Ghihab paper presented in the International Conference on Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials, held 4-7 May,2009 in University of Bahrain.

3. Synthesis and characterization of aggregated nano-cobalt particles by bottom up approach. K M Anamoul Haque, M Sakhawat Hussain, S. S. Alam and S. M. Saiful Islam, paper presented in International Conference on Enabling Science and Nanotechnology, 1-3 December, 2010, KLCC, MALAYSIA.

Teaching & Supervision

Academic Council, Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST),Saidpur
Period: 2019 to 2024.

Discipline Committee, Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST),Saidpur
Period: 2018 to Present

Life time member of Bangladesh Chemical Society (BCS)

Life time member and Member of Executive Committee of Chemistry Alumni Association of SUST (CHEMAAS).

Member of BdSTEM and President of local committee of BdSTEM of BAUST.

Life time member of Bangladesh Nano Society.


My current research interest lies in the field of nanotechnology, focusing on the development of the method of synthesis of nanoparticles as well as the characterization of these particles and their applications in different fields, including environmental pollution, industrial gas turbines, catalysis, medical science, and metallic alloy synthesis. Recently concentrating on the green synthesis of metallic nanoparticles (silver nanoparticles) and its applications in human health and industry.