Welcome to the Department of Arts and Sciences! Department of Arts and Sciences is the central department of the University. Through exposure to the arts, graduate students consider the ethical, aesthetic, and intellectual dimensions of the human experience, past and present, and are thereby prepared to make thoughtful and imaginative contributions to the culture of the future. Through exposure to the methods and discoveries of mathematics, physics and chemistry, they become well-informed participants and leaders in today’s increasingly technological societies. And through the study of sociology they acquire theories and techniques for the analysis of specific societal issues, as well as general cross-cultural perspectives on the human condition.Recently department of Arts and Sciences is comprised of Mathematics,Physics, Chemistry and Sociology. These subjects are the fundamentals of all engineering and technological fields like CSE, EEE, ME, IPE, CE etc. So, the students of engineering faculty those are well skilled in these subjects, will be good engineer. The Department of Arts and Sciences is dedicated to being at the forefront of teaching and learning and fostering research and discovery.
Love teaches how to care. A very illiterate woman even who has no training how to care child, can take care of her baby only by the power of love. If we love our university and our students, then this love has a great power to build up our mind with those thinking and potential that will show the way by which this university and students will be developed.
With all best wishes,
Md. Mizanur Rahman
Associate Professor & Head of the Dept.
Department of Arts and Sciences
Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST)