Notice :
Proud moment for our students of BAUST! Seminar on “Shedding Light on the Black Box: The Role of Explainability in Machine Learning” Seminar on “Building Innovation Ecosystem for Smart Bangladesh” CSE OBE Syllabus 2021

Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST), Saidpur

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)



Professor Dr. S.M. Jahangir Alam

Designation: Professor

Qualification: Ph.D. (Doctor of Engineering); Xiamen University (World rank~300), China

Mobile: 01769675560


Experiences :

    • Professor & Director of IQAC, Assoc. Prof. & Head of ICT, BAUST

    • Associate Professor, Asst. Prof. & Foreign Expert (High-Level Talent, Category A), South China University of Technology, China

    • Visiting Professor, Leading University, Bangladesh

    • Lecturer, University of Info. Tech. & Sciences (UITS), Bangladesh

    • Visiting Professor (Asst.), University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada

    • Visiting Professor (Asst.), Jessore Univ. of Sci. & Tech., Bangladesh

    • Visiting Faculty, University Tun Hossein Onn Malaysia

    • Visiting Faculty, International Islamic University Malaysia

    • Project/Research Engineer (R & D)-Part Time, China United Tech. Ltd., China.

    • Active University Level Experiences: 18 years (14 Years University Level Teaching Position+ 4 Years Research Position)

    • No. of Patent(s): 7

    • No. of Research Publications: 37 (SCI/SCIE/EI indexed: 19)

    • No. of Scientific Research Project (Completed): 19

    • Teaching Project (Completed): 4

    • No. of Thesis/Project Supervision (BSc and MSc): ~50

    • No. of PhD students Supervised/Co-supervised: 5

    • MOOC Project: 1(

    • Book Publication:

      Book title: “Control Engineering Theory & Applications”

      Category: For Undergraduate and Master’s students

      Publisher: Taylors & Francise, CRC Press, USA.

      Web purchase:

Professor Dr. S.M. Jahangir Alam

Professor Dr. S.M. Jahangir Alam,
Dept. of CSE
Designation: Professor & Head, Dept. of CSE, BAUST
Qualification: Ph.D. (Doctor of Engineering); Xiamen University (World rank~300), China;
MSc in Telecommunications (UITS), BSc in CSE(DIU), MSc in Financial Engineering (30 Cr
Course completed but thesis incomplete, Xiamen University, China)
Mobile: 01766128002 (Personal), 01769675560(Office)
Active Experiences (University Level):
18 years (14 Years University Level Teaching Position+ 4 Years Research Position)
✓ Professor & Head, Dept. of CSE, BAUST, September 1, 2022-Onward
✓ Professor & Director of IQAC, Assoc. Prof. & Head of ICT, BAUST
✓ Associate Professor and Asst. Prof. (Foreign Expert, High-Level Talent, Category A),
South China University of Technology (Public, World rank ~ 300), Guangzhou, China
✓ Visiting Professor (Asst.), University of British Columbia (UBC) (Public), Canada
✓ Visiting Professor (Asst.), Jessore Univ. of Sci. & Tech. (Public), Bangladesh
✓ Visiting Faculty, University Tun Hossein Onn Malaysia (Public, World rank ~ 800)
✓ Visiting Faculty, International Islamic University Malaysia (Public, World rank ~ 500)
✓ Visiting Professor, Leading University, Bangladesh
✓ Lecturer, University of Info. Tech. & Sciences (UITS), Bangladesh
✓ Project/Research Engineer (R & D)-Part Time, China United Tech. Ltd., China.
No. of Patent(s): 7 (Chinese Patents 6+ Bangladeshi Patent 1)
No. of Research Publications: 37 (SCI/SCIE/EI indexed:19)
No. of Scientific Research Project (Completed): 19
Teaching Project (Completed): 4
No. of Thesis/Project Supervision (BSc and MSc): ~50
No. of PhD students Supervised/Co-supervised: 5
MOOC Teaching Project: 1
Text Book Publication: 1
⚫ Book title: “Control Engineering Theory & Applications”
⚫ Category: For Undergraduate and Master’s students
⚫ Publisher: Taylors & Francise, CRC Press, USA.
⚫ Web purchase:
Contribution/Responsibilities/Committee member at BAUST:
✓ Syndicate member
✓ Acting Journal Publishing Editor for 2 volumes
✓ Calendar production committee Chair-2023
✓ IEB-BAETE accreditation team leader for BAUST CSE Dept. Accreditation
✓ IEB-BAETE evaluator listed member for Accreditation visit
✓ WiFi infrastructure development committee Chair
✓ BAUST automation system using Pipilika
✓ OBE based Result Processing development with pipilika
✓ Library automation software-Koha
✓ University automation system development
✓ Auto purchase committee Chair
✓ Lecture Dias prototype development
Editing & Reviewing and Program Committee Member:
Journal Executive Editor:
1. Computer Science and Engineering Research
Journal Editorial Board Member:
1. Associate Editor: International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering
(IJCEE), EI indexed.
2. International Journal of Sensors.
3. Rheology: Open Access. (
1. IEEE Access, SCIE, EI Indexed.
2. Chinese Journal of Electronics, EI Indexed.
3. Measurements, SCIE/SCI/EI indexed journal.
4. Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology. SCI, EI indexed.
5. Materials, SCI indexed, B category.
6. Polymers, SCI indexed, A category.
7. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Polymers, SCI
indexed, B category.
Program Committee Member:
1. Technical Program Committee, International Workshop on Materials, Chemistry and
Engineering (IWMCE 2018), Xiamen, June 16-17, 2018.
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Areas of Interest:
✓ Brain Science & Neural Network,
✓ Control Engineering
✓ Deep Learning
✓ Image Processing
✓ Intelligent Systems & Robotics
✓ IoT & Data Science
✓ Machine Vision
✓ Time Series Analysis