Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST), Saidpur

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)


Professor & Head of the Department

Professor Dr. S.M. Jahangir Alam

Designation: Professor & Head of the Department

Qualification: Ph.D. (Doctor of Engineering); Xiamen University (World rank~300), China

Mobile: 01769675560


Experiences :

    • Professor & Director of IQAC, Assoc. Prof. & Head of ICT, BAUST

    • Associate Professor, Asst. Prof. & Foreign Expert (High-Level Talent, Category A), South China University of Technology, China

    • Visiting Professor, Leading University, Bangladesh

    • Lecturer, University of Info. Tech. & Sciences (UITS), Bangladesh

    • Visiting Professor (Asst.), University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada

    • Visiting Professor (Asst.), Jessore Univ. of Sci. & Tech., Bangladesh

    • Visiting Faculty, University Tun Hossein Onn Malaysia

    • Visiting Faculty, International Islamic University Malaysia

    • Project/Research Engineer (R & D)-Part Time, China United Tech. Ltd., China.

    • Active University Level Experiences: 18 years (14 Years University Level Teaching Position+ 4 Years Research Position)

    • No. of Patent(s): 7

    • No. of Research Publications: 37 (SCI/SCIE/EI indexed: 19)

    • No. of Scientific Research Project (Completed): 19

    • Teaching Project (Completed): 4

    • No. of Thesis/Project Supervision (BSc and MSc): ~50

    • No. of PhD students Supervised/Co-supervised: 5

    • MOOC Project: 1(

    • Book Publication:

      Book title: “Control Engineering Theory & Applications”

      Category: For Undergraduate and Master’s students

      Publisher: Taylors & Francise, CRC Press, USA.

      Web purchase: