Notice :
Proud moment for our students of BAUST! Seminar on “Shedding Light on the Black Box: The Role of Explainability in Machine Learning” Seminar on “Building Innovation Ecosystem for Smart Bangladesh” CSE OBE Syllabus 2021

Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST), Saidpur

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)


Assistant Professor

Engr. Md. Al-Hasan

Designation: Assistant Professor

Qualification: PhD in CSE ( Pursuing ), M.Sc. in CSE, B. Sc. in CSE (CUET)

Mobile: +8801722-774004 (Pers)


  1. Al-Hasan, Hasan Muhammad Kafi, Md Arif Rizvee, Mohammad Hasan and Md. Mamunur Rashid, “Context-Aware Computing for Balanced Agricultural Production using Machine Learning”, IEEE the 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, , July 1-3, 2020
  2. Zahid Hasan, Md. Al-Hasan, Muhammad Ashfakur Rahman Arju, Md Arif Rizvee and Saifuddin Mohammad Tareque, “Weather Forecasting for the North-Western region of Bangladesh: A Machine Learning Approach”, IEEE the 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, India, July 1-3, 2020
  3. Hasan Muhammad Kafi, Md. Al-Hasan, Mohammad Hasan, Md. Mamunur Rashid, “A Robust Multi-Server Two Factor Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smartphone and Biometric”, 5th International Conference on Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIoTCT), IIT, Patna, India, July 03-05, 2020 (waiting to publish in SPRINGER Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing)
  4. Bibhas Roy Chowdhury, Md. Sabir Hossain, Alve Ahmad, Mohammad Hasan, Md. Al-Hasan, “A New Approach to Solve Quadratic Equation Using Genetic Algorithm”, 2nd International Conference on Cyber Security and Computer Science (ICONCS 2020), 15-16 February 2020, Dhaka, Publisher: Springer Verlag, Germany, 2020
  5. Al-Hasan, M. S. Hossain, “Adapting SCRUM in Data Analytics Solution Development for Telecom Operators in Bangladesh”, IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer Communication Engineering (ECCE 2019), February 07-09, 2019.
  6. Rubina Aktar, Abu Jahid, Al-Hasan, Md. Farhad Hossin, “User Association for Efficient Utilization of Green Energy in Cloud Radio Access Network”, IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer Communication Engineering (ECCE 2019), February 07-09, 2019.
  7. Al-Hasan, Mst. Rubina Aktar, Mohammad Sajib Al Seraj, “An Economic and Modern Business Intelligence Solution for Textile Industries in Bangladesh”, Global Journal of Human- Social Science (H), Volume XVIII, Issue II, Version I, Year 2018.
  8. S. Hossain, Nayan Das, M. K. H. Patwary, Md. Al-Hasan, “Finding Nearest Blood Donors using Dijkstra Algorithm”, SISFORMA: Journal of Information Systems (e-Journal), Vol. 5, Issue. 2, Pages 40-44, November 2018.
  9. Rubina Aktar, Abu Jahid, , Md. Farhad Hossin, Al-Hasan, “Energy Sustainable Traffic Aware Hybrid Powered Off-Grid Cloud Radio Access Network” , IEEE International Conference. on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICISET), 27-28 October 2018, Chittagong, Bangladesh
  10. Mohammad Sajib Al Seraj, Robert Pastel and Al-Hasan, “A SURVEY ON USER MODELING IN HCI”, Computer Applications: An International Journal (CAIJ), Vol.5, No.1, Pages 21-28, February 2018.
  11. Rubina Aktar,Md. Farhad Hossain and Md. Al-Hasan, “Dynamic Clustering Approach for Interference Cancellation in Downlink C-RAN”, IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communication, Chemical, Materials and Electronic Engineering ( IC4ME2), PP. 1-4, January 2018.
  12. Rubina Aktar, Md. Al-Hasan, “SINR and Outage Analysis for the JT CoMP Technique based Downlink LTE -A Multi-Cell Cellular Networks with Hexagonal Layout” , Global Journal of Researches in Engineering. Volume 16, Issue 8, Version 1.0, Year 2016.
  13. Al-Hasan, Kaushik Deb and Mohammad Obaidur Rahman “User-Authentication Approach for Data Security Between Smartphone and Cloud”, IEEE International Forum on Strategic Technology (IFOST),  2, Pages 2-6, June 28, 2013.
Professional Activities
  • Member of IEB
    IEB Membership ID: M/43847
  • Software Development Profile

    I am an enthusiastic and motivated Software Engineer with 4+ years of professional experience gained in a variety of industry sectors including International Reference Pricing Reporting Tool for Different Pharmaceutical Companies, Subscription Management System of Pharmaceutical Data, Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, Telecom Industry, Processing and managing structured and unstructured data.

    I have strong knowledge on: Develop/Handle each part of a n-tire application (specially the business-logic part), Code-Refactoring, implement design pattern, Transforming business raw data into useful data-model to provide actual information, Data Modeling, Data Visualization, Data Normalization, Data Warehousing, Primary knowledge on Big Data, Manage the business in database and in service layer where used technology could be any of mentioned bellow as required.
    I have coding experiences with the numerous languages/technologies such as C++, C#.NET, ASP.NET MVC, WCF, Entity Framework, Web API, SQL, MDX, LINQ, SQL Server, SSAS, SSRS, SSIS, MySQL, Tableau, Micro-strategy, HTML5, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, DataTable, Angularjs etc.
    While working in a team I communicate with foreign project manager regularly in mail communication and conference call for development clarification and project discussion. And for smooth continuation of development tasks, I have used jTrac for keep track of current development tasks and git for source control.

  • Notable Projects:

    1. Robi Online Community & Survey System

    Robi Online Community is a blog application for robi subscribers from where user’s get bonus point depending on the number and quality of their blog-posts. And the Robi Survey System is developed using an openSource project called “LimeSurvey”.
    Platform: PHP, MySQL, Javascript, Jquery, Ajax, HTML, BootStrap, Amazon AWS
    Role: Project Manager

    2. Robi e-Commerce Platform

    This is an e-commerce platform of Robi which will follow SaaS model where different organization can open their online shop and run their small and medium scale business easily.
    Platform: Magento, PHP, MySQL, Latest Fron-End Technologies
    Role: Tech Champion

    3. Robi Audit & Compliance Supportive Reporting Tool

    There are many high-cost licensed software (like; MS Visio, Toad, MS Project) used by many employees of Robi. To ensure proper usage via proper approval against the number of the procured license, previously many sccm reports in xl format were maintained for analysis which was very time-consuming. This tool automates the need for all reporting cutting the hassle of manual Excel analysis and killing many working hours.
    Platform: ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, MSSQL, SSIS ETL Tool
    Role: Full-Stack Developer

    4. Business Intelligence Application (BI) for a Pharmaceutical Company

    In this BI project my task we have very unstructured data provided by the client. To make their data workable in the BI system we have to go through many C#.NET, and SQL coding. After performing the ETL tasks we generate a report with MDX on top of the prepared cube database.
    Platform: SQL Server, OLAP Cube, SSIS, SSAS, SQL, MDX, C#.NET
    Role: BI Developer (ETL, SQL, C#.NET)

    5. Subscription Management System for Pharmaceutical Company

    This is a subscription management system tool of a re-known pharmaceutical company by which they sell their medicine under various conditions and mutual understanding with clients. There are also some ETL tasks that are maintained with SSIS having some critical stored procedure.
    Platform: ASP.NET MVC4, jqGrid, EF6, LINQ, WCF, SQL Server 2008r2, SSRS, SSIS 
    Role: Front and Back End Programmer

    6. International Reference Pricing Tool for a Company

    This is a forecasting tool to determine the future price of medicine based on the current price and considering various aspects like; competitive brands, reimbursement, patent duration, price in other countries, etc. WCF fetches data from a database and OLAP cube where many complex calculations are done both in WCF and Stored Procedure.
    Platform: ASP.NET MVC4, WCF, SQL Server 2008r2, OLAP Cube
    Role: WCF, Database ( Stored Procedure with SQL and MDX Query )

    7. Business Intelligence Applications (BI) for different Companies

    In this BI project our prime task is to generate a report on the upper layer of the cube database with multidimensional query language (MDX).
    PlatformSQL Server, OLAP Cube, SSIS, SSAS, SQL, MDX
    RoleBI Developer (ETL, Data Modeling, Prepare Cube, SQL, MDX)

    8. Protein Parameter Analysis Tool

    Its task is to detect malfunctioning protein sequences (ATCG) from a flat file. And depending upon the malfunctioning type classifies the probability of different diseases. This simple tool was developed for the bio-informatics team of Datasoft Systems Ltd while I was there for one month of an industrial attachment academic course purpose.

Research Group

I regularly supervise many thesis groups and try to do something new engaging my students in research works with necessary monitoring and guidance.

Research Group-08 (Duration: 2019-present)
Tentative Title: “Analyzing recent security threat pattern through deep learning

  • Remita Rahman
  • Ruksana Parvin

Research Group-07 (Duration: 2019-present)
Tentative Title: “Analysing the effective student-quality to get a good job by developing a proper platform

  • Tabia Tasnia
  • Mahfuja Akter

Research Group-06 (Duration: 2019-present)
Tentative Title: “A smart survey solution for different organizations and analyzing the effectiveness of the survey

Research Group-05 (Duration: 2019- present)
Title: “A Comparative Study on Handwriting Digit Recognition Classifier Using Convolutional Neural Network and Support Vector Machine

  • Md. Farhanul Haque
  • Sumaiya Tabssum Mou
  • Shovo Rahman
  • Redwan Ahmed

Research Group-04 (Duration: 2018-2019)
Title: “Context-Aware Analytics of Patient for Helping Physicians

  • Saima Fariha (150201008)
  • Abu Shoaib shagor (150201016)
  • Amir Amrohi Himu (150201023)
  • Tanjima Kayes (150201025)

Research Group-03 (Duration: 2017-2018)
Title: “Business Intelligence(BI) Solution Development Approach for Balanced Agricultural Production in Bangladesh

  • Md. Feroz Al Mahamud (150101008)
  • S.M Farhan Fayaz Utsho (150101022)
  • Raisul Kabir (150101023)
  • Shafayet Jamil Shuvo (150101030)

Research Group-02 (Duration: 2017-2018)
Title: “Rental Management System

  • Chowdhury Wasif Hussain (150101052)
  • Md. Basedul Islam (150101093)

Research Group-01 (Duration: 2017-2018)
Title: “An Educational Social Media Platform for Bangladesh(NetWork 0.1)

  • Sheikh Imran (150101077)
  • Muhammad Ibn Saeed (150101053)