Assistant Professor
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: B.Sc. in EEE (RUET)
Mobile: 01769662719 (Off), +8801914254599, +8801762355745
Electrical and Electronic Engineer
Bayer CropScience
October 2012
EEE 1101: Electrical Circuits I
EEE 1201: Electrical Circuits II
EEE 2107: Electrical Machines I
EEE 2207: Electrical Machines II
EEE 3100: Professional Service Design and Ethics
EEE 3105: Digital Electronics
EEE 3207: Power System I
EEE 4117: Power System II
EEE 4271: Switchgear and Protection
Mafin Muntasir Rahman is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at BAUST. His research focuses on renewable energy systems, smart grids, and energy conversion. He has several publications in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences. Mafin has also been actively involved in student welfare and academic development at BAUST.