Assistant Professor
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: B.Sc in EEE (BAUST)
M.Sc in ECE (KUET)
Mobile: 01753685642
Academic Experiences
Professional Profile:
Research Publications:
5. F. Islam, N. Jahan, F. Rupa, S. Sarker, S. Hossain, S. Kabir, 2022. Performance Analysis of ASUS Tinker and MobileNetV2 IN Face Mask Detection on Different Datasets. International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Emerging Technologies (MIET). 10.1007/978-3-031-34619-4_23. Book Chapter, (Publisher: Springer)
6. Md. Sohel Rana, Sifat Hossain,Md. Mostafizur Rahman, 2022. Microstrip Patch Antennas for Various Applications: A Review. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. ISSN: 2502-4752. 10.11591/ijeecs.v29.i3.pp1511-1519.(Scopus Indexing)
7. S. Hossain, T. Islam, S. Alam, F. Munna, T. Mondal, M. Rahman 2022. Design and Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna for Biomedical Applications. International Conference on Smart Generation Computing, Communication and Networking 10.1109/SMARTGENCON56628.2022.10083565. . (Publisher: IEEE)
8. M. Rana, A. Avi, S. Hossain, S. Rana, A. Habib, M. Rahman 2022. Design and Performance Analysis of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Applications. International Conference on Circuits and Control, Communication and Computing (I4C-2022). (Publisher: IEEE) 10.1109/I4C57141.2022.10057907 (Publisher: IEEE)
9. M. Rana, S. Hossain, S. Shuva, B. Sen, S. Islam, M. Rahman 2022. Design and Simulation of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Communication System. International Conference on Circuits and Control, Communication and Computing (I4C-2022). (Publisher: IEEE) 10.1109/I4C57141.2022.10057931 (Publisher: IEEE)
11. S. Hossain, T. Islam, S. Alam, F. Munna, T. Mondal, M. Rahman 2023. Design and Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna for Biomedical Applications. International Conference on Integrated Circuits and Communication Systems (ICCACS 2023). 10.1109/ICICACS57338.2023.10100219. (Publisher: IEEE)
15. Sifat Hossain, Md. Sohel Rana, Md. Mostafizur Rahman, 2024. Design and Analysis of Inverted E-Shaped Slotted Patch Microstrip Antenna for Multiband Applications. 4th International Conference on Data, Engineering & Applications (IDEA 2k22). 10.1007/978-981-97-2451-2_26. Book Chapter, Publisher: (Springer).
Journal Reviewer:
Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Taylor & Francis):
2024 Reviewer Award, Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
2017 Scholarship and Award for Academic Excellence by Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST), Saidpur
2018 Scholarship and Award for Academic Excellence by Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST), Saidpur
2015 Award for H.S.C. GPA 5, AUSN, Gaibandha.
2013 Merit Scholarship, Sonali Bank Limited.
2023 OBE Training, a training organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh. Army University of Science and Technology, BAUST, Saidpur Cantonment.
2020 Faculty Workshop, Northern University of Business and Technology Khulna, NUBTK.
2019 Industrial Training, Bangladesh Power Development Board.
Thesis Supervision: Undergraduate level
Courses Taken:
EEE 3109: Microprocessor and Interfacing
EEE 1163: Basic Electrical Engineering
EEE 2187: Analog and Digital Electronics
EEE 2269: Industrial Drives and Instrumentation
I am Sifat Hossain, currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of EEE at BAUST. I completed my M.Sc. Engineering from Khulna University of Engineering and Technology, KUET. I also completed my B.Sc. Engineering from Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology, BAUST. I completed SSC and HSC from Ahammed Uddin Shah Shishu Niketan School and College, Gaibandha. After completing my undergraduation, I joined BAUST as a teaching assistant after that I joined Northern University of Business and Technology Khulna (NUBTK) as a lecturer. I am the former Head of the dept. of EEE at NUBTK. I was also a board member of the faculty recruitment board of NUBTK. I have some achievements in my university life. I received a congratulations letter and scholarship from the vice chancellor of BAUST and also received an award from the General Officer in Commanding (GOC) of the Rangpur area for my academic excellence. I have attended 10 international conferences. I have also attended two workshops on faculty training and OBE-based syllabus. I have a total of 15 publications in different national, and international journals and conferences. I am a reviewer of the Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. My research is focused on Wireless Communication (Antenna Design).