Notice :
QAC, FQAC and PSAC committees have been formed under the IQAC at BAUST Important Instructions on Research by Hon’able Vice Chancellor

Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST), Saidpur

The Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

About IQAC

Heartiest Welcome

The Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST), Saidpur

Message from the Director

It’s my outmost pleasure to welcome you to IQAC, BAUST.

Quality assurance (QA) in higher education is currently a global practice even in Bangladesh.  IQAC, BAUST ensures that desired quality of graduates through continuous improvement in the entire operations of the institution, and assuring all the stakeholders connected with higher education: namely students, parents, and teachers, staffs, funding agencies and society in general. Since its inception at November 2017, IQAC, BAUST is working to familiarize Outcome Based Education (OBE) among the stakeholders and has adopted Outcome Based curriculum as the core practice of the university.  IQAC, BAUST wants to contribute in creating an environment where all stakeholders are equally valued and respected. As a director, I seek your valuable support and cooperation in this journey of IQAC and I strongly believe, with your support, IQAC, BAUST can become a pioneer in the Higher Education sector of Bangladesh.


Quality assurance (QA) in higher education is a continuous upkeep of desired level of quality standard and practices in education system through monitoring every single stage of the different processes in the institution without considering public and private tags. Currently this quality assurance is a global concern and practice and in such succession Bangladesh is also not far from this aspect. Now, the Bangladesh government, UGC and all universities consider this QA as a mandatory tool to ensure the quality and standard of higher education through responding positively to the global challenges. All the universities are now committed to change the higher education landscape through establishing Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC).

Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST), a renowned private university, conducted by Bangladesh Army. Keeping in mind the assurance of quality education, BAUST has also established its own IQAC namely IQAC, BAUST at November 2017.



Become a globally recognized Center of Quality Assurance and assist BAUST in all aspects to upkeep the globally accepted quality education.


IQAC, BAUST covers all the quality assurance areas including governance, curriculum content design and review, student admission, progress and achievements, physical facilities, teaching learning and assessment, student support services, staff and facilities, research and extension, process management and continuous quality improvement. Consequently IQAC-BAUST works to create a sustainable academic environment conducive to quality teaching, learning and research through capacity building, continuous quality improvement, active engagement of stakeholders and promotion of cooperation and collaboration.



Institutional Quality Assurance Cell:

Professor Md. Jahurul Islam

Professor & Dean Faculty of Science And Humanities

Dr. Md. Mahmudul Hasan

Associate Professor, Dept. of CE

Addl. Director 1
Addl. Director 2
Md. Ruhulamin Siddique Information Technology Officer
Md. Subroto Debnath Office Asst. Cum Computer Operator
Md. Sakim


Support Staff