Welcome to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST). This Program has been started in 2015. Mechanical Engineering is one of the basic engineering branches with its large application fields such as Automobile sectors, Aircraft and Ship building industries, Power plants, Air conditioning systems, Robots, Cement industry, Pharmaceuticals industry, Railway, Oil and gas industry and so on.
The purpose of this department is to build engineers who can use the modern technologies and play important role in building modern civilizations and providing latest knowledge of various mechanical engineering fields. Mechanical Engineers have outstanding achievements in various fields for improving and modifying mechanical design and providing strong leadership.
BAUST is a place of opportunity where discipline, morality, growth, creativity, and strong leadership are encouraged and rewarded.
The ME programs are extensively laboratory oriented. The practical and hands-on laboratory experiences begin from the very first year and are also integral to the academic programs. The department contains various modern laboratories for undergraduate studies and works such as Thermodynamics Lab, Fluid Mechanics Lab, Metallurgy Lab, Engineering Mechanics and Solid Mechanics Lab, CAD Lab. It has also well-equipped Machine shop, Foundry and Welding Shop, Automobile shop facilities.
A very bright future is waiting for the undergraduate students of Mechanical Engineering Department. Wish you to become a part of this department.
Dr. Md. Syful IslamÂ
Professor & Head of the Dept.
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST)