Notice :
Proud moment for our students of BAUST! Seminar on “Shedding Light on the Black Box: The Role of Explainability in Machine Learning” Seminar on “Building Innovation Ecosystem for Smart Bangladesh” CSE OBE Syllabus 2021

Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST), Saidpur

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)


Computer plays vital and in fact indispensable role in all fields of modern human activities. Consequently, Computer Science and Engineering has established itself as one of’ the most important branches of engineering. Recent development in computer has a considerable impact on society. It has already expanded to all fields of study starting from genetic engineering to space technology. Recent development in Artificial Intelligence has taken the human history a long way. That day is not very far when man can make machine like him. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is one of the pioneer Departments of this Institute providing top-quality education in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at its undergraduate program. ICT is the leading booming sector in present day. It is already declared as a thrust sector in Bangladesh. Keeping this in mind the department offers CSE course to produce computer specialist. A combination of highly qualified faculty member and sate of art facilities has established the CSE department as one of the leading and prestigious of the Country.
