Message from Head
Welcome to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). In this department we create future computer scientists, engineers and responsible citizens.
The best students from all over Bangladesh join this prestigious department. In this department, you will find world-class facilities who are very young, hard working; as well teachers who got the opportunity to attain age and maturity. A very friendly and competitive environment exists for fostering a friendly and healthy teacher-student relationship.
Here, a student gets the opportunity to excel in his academic activities. This is one of the very few departments where undergraduate students publish papers in international journals. At the same time, a student wishing to achieve some recognition in extra-curricular or co-curricular activities will also find the atmosphere helpful.
Graduates of CSE are now one of strongest forces in the job market of Bangladesh. Software development, IT-based services, universities, telecom operators and vendors – name any of the job sectors and you will find a stronghold of CSE graduates in each of them. Graduates of this department have proved their ability to deliver the best in corporate environment and also take the performance standard to a higher level. Graduates of CSE are also working as faculty members in various reputed public and private Universities of Bangladesh.
However the department is young, CSE has printed its footmarks at all possible corner. With the continued effort, Computer Science and Engineering department of BAUST is committed to convey the best education and prepare students to fight with the global challenges to steps forward into a better future.
I welcome you to be a part of this journey and please accomplish the best.