Civil engineering drawing is a critical aspect of the design and construction process, providing a visual blueprint that guides every phase of a project. These drawings serve as detailed representations of infrastructure projects like roads, bridges, buildings, and water systems, translating complex design ideas into standardized formats that contractors, engineers, and builders can follow.
However, hand-drawing enables students to unlock into their creativity and imagination, enhancing their skills in solving architectural challenges and developing more effective solutions for structural design. The expert faculties in the Department of Civil Engineering at BAUST upholds high standards to foster creativity and innovative thinking, preparing students to become the next generation of engineers for the nation.
1. History and importance of Civil Engineering Drawing ,Drawing accessories and their uses
2. Line drawing
3. Lettering and Numbering: Drawing of standard letters and numbers
4. Drawing of linear geometric figures: pentagon, hexagon, octagon
5. Drawing of curved geometric figures: ellipse, parabola, hyperbola. First and third angle projections
6. Concept of isometric view, oblique view, theory of projections
7. Drawing of isometric view of 3D objects such as cube, prism, pyramid, cone and cylinder
8. Section of cubes, pyramids, cones, prisms, etc
9. Concept on Plan, elevation and section of single storied building
10. Drawing of Plan and elevation of single storied and a multistoried building