Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST), Saidpur

Department of Civil Engineering (CE)

Fluid Mechanics Lab

The fluid mechanics laboratory is an integral part of civil engineering education, providing students with hands-on experience to understand the principles of fluid behavior and their applications in real-world scenarios like hydraulics, water resources, and environmental engineering.

Practical Applications:
• Measuring and analyzing fluid properties such as viscosity, density, and flow rate.
• Observing and validating principles like Bernoulli’s theorem and continuity equation.
• Studying energy losses in pipes and channels due to friction and turbulence.
• Develop an understanding of fluid mechanics fundamentals.
• Gain skills in conducting experiments and analyzing data.
• Bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and practical applications.


Some Captures from Fluid Mechanics Lab

1. General Instruction For Fluid Mechanics Sessional
2. Proof of Bernoulli’s theorem
3. Determination of centre of pressure
4. Flow through a Venturi meter
5. Flow through an Orifice
6. Flow over a Sharp crested rectangular weir
7. Flow over a V-notch
8. Fluid friction in a pipe
9. Determination of coefficient of resistance for change in cross sections of pipe
10. Determination of coefficient of discharge by using orifice discharge apparatus


Some Captures from Fluid Mechanics Lab

Peoples in Fluid Mechanics Lab

Lab In-Charge

Md. Fazzle Rabby
Department of Civil Engineering, BAUST
Contact No: 01789798651

Lab Technician

Md. Raju Mia
Lab Technician
Department of Civil Engineering, BAUST
Contact No: 01786834668
