Notice :
Admissions are now open for upcoming Summer 2024 semester

Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology (BAUST), Saidpur

Department of Civil Engineering (CE)

Final Thesis Defence of the 1st Batch (10th Batch) of CE,BAUST

Final Thesis Defence of the 1st Batch (10th Batch) of CE,BAUST

After a year long experiment and research the students of CE 1st Batch (10th batch of BAUST Campus) finally presented their graduation thesis today. There were 14 students who presented their thesis in front of the board of internal and external supervisor’s.
Their thesis covered various aspects of Civil Engineering from Structural, Environmental and Transportation engineering sector.
They incorporated the local technical/engineering issues of north bengal and proposed feasible solution for them.
We believe that, their unique findings will help the scientific community as well as the local policy makers of north bengal to implement the fiscal measures.
The honorable head of the department Dr. Md. Mahmudul Hasan sir instructed all the students to publish their graduation thesis to a renowned journal within 2 months.
We believe that, our future students of Civil Engineering Department will also create meaningful research for the community using our state-of-the-art laboratory facilities at BAUST.
